David Alexander Author
David Alexander is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author whose books have sold over five million copies. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Paris Sorbonne. David Alexander's novels and nonfiction titles have won critical acclaim from USA Today, The New York Times, The London Times, The Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly, The Wall Street Journal and many other venues in the US, UK, Canada and Australia.
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by David Alexander
22 Customer Reviews
The King of West Brooklyn is a crime novel that begins and ends on the mean streets of Gravesend, the toughest neighborhood of New York City's toughest borough. It's a place where organized crime still rules and where wise guys have to think fast, hit hard or get whacked. In between, the novel crosses international boundaries and time zones with the speed of a bullet fired from a gun as West Brooklyn's most accomplished safe and loft burglar takes on a tricky European job in order to pay back the markers held on him by boss of bosses Tony the Pug.
Dominick "Dee" de Venise's textile warehouse has been in the family for generations, but he'll have to torch it for the insurance money. De Venise has no other choice. The Mezzatesta family is into him for boo-koo bucks and if he doesn't pay off, he's history.
The only other option de Venise has is to stage a big-money heist planned by his crooked lawyer friend Arnie, but he's already turned down that particular deal. Arnie's plan is too risky, and besides, de Venise has known Arnie long enough and well enough not to trust him. De Venise doesn't trust anyone to torch the business either. Wanting it done right, he plans to do it himself, then set up an ironclad alibi.
Everything goes like clockwork until the insurance company refuses to pay off on de Venise's policy, leaving him with no business and no money to buy off his wise guy creditors.
With no more cards to play de Venise agrees to do the heist for Arnie. If nothing else, it will get him out of the country, and if de Venise is really lucky and really smart, there's even an outside chance of him scoring the bucks he needs to get him straight with the mob and put him back in action as the King of West Brooklyn.
This is a caper novel to end all caper novels, an addictive page-turner from start to finish, and one of author David Alexander's most ambitious fiction efforts yet.
Product Details
ISBN-13: 9780997781021
Publisher: Triumvirate Publications
Pages: 454
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.81(d)
Customer Reviews
Average Review 5
22 Reviews
Excellent thriller by a top author, page after spellbinding page ...
Excellent thriller by a top author, page after spellbinding page that made for a crime novel that cut right to the chase and never stopped. This was a totally happening thriller that no matter how bad or thuggish some of these criminal types were, I always knew that everything in the plot had its carefully planned purpose and outcome. The ending was like standing in front of a gun with no place to hide. All I could do was wait to see what happened!
I crown this thriller excellent!
The King gave me all I want in a fantastic crime thriller including a surprise-packed plot and ultra-realistic characters. This story just blew me away. Terrific!
Superbly written, viciously good crime thriller
This novel challenged my ideals of what a thriller should and should not be and almost turned all my preconceived notions on their heads. The author seems to know a lot about criminals and their ways, from those who lurk in the gutter to those who do deals aboard private yachts. Some of this reads like what might be expected from a mafia member penning his memoirs. I wonder about that, but I am absolutely sure that this thriller's a winner.
The ability to write exceptional thriller fiction that reads astonishingly like a narration of an actual event taken from a breaking international news story, the power to weave a tale enthralling enough to catch the reader up in a world of thriller fantasy whose hold is hard or impossible to break until after the last sentence of the final chapter is read, the mastery of countless details of characterization, dialog, plot and the intricate arts of cutting-edge defense technology and 21st century military affairs and strategy, is a rare combination of literary gifts.
Yet all of these singular attributes are to be found in Threatcon Delta: Assault on the Pentagon by author David Alexander. The story, as the title states, centers on an assault on America's main symbol of military power. But the thriller's plot also spans the globe as the ramifications of what those who have occupied and taken control of the Pentagon have done become more clear as the cleverly devised plot continues to unfold.
Before its conclusion, the action of the book takes us from the nation's Capital to the far-flung corners of the earth, where, after more than our fair share of unexpected twists and turns of plot and some of the finest action scenes ever written, we're treated to the climax of a lifetime.
I won't spoil the fun by giving away the plot, but I can certainly promise some riveting thriller reading for all true action fans.

From the mean streets of New York City's prime mafia boro, comes a chase after savvy and streetwise bank robbers and jewel thieves that crosses international boundaries and time zones with the speed of a jet plane. Alexander weaves everything together with the skill of a true master of the action thriller category in an unforgettable extravaganza of capers, mayhem, hot gems, hot dames, and accomplished criminals who will stop at nothing to gain possession of a treasure whose value is almost beyond calculation. When a billion dollar diamond deal cut by one of New York's heaviest crime families goes sour, and the consignment of rare gems is lost overseas, a crew of wise guys straight out of Brooklyn is ordered to get it back -- any way they can. This is an international caper novel to end all caper novels, a nonstop page-turner jam-packed with action from start to finish and one of Alexander's boldest books ever. As crime thrillers go, Brooklynese is the boss of bosses.
God Bless America .. before it's too late!
Alexander has penned the ultimate technothriller, a groundbreaking new
vision that will set the trend for military action fiction for years to
come. Alexander may be the first to credibly outline how why and when a
crippling blow to cyberspace could be dealt by hybrid forces with
destructive cascading impact on the United States in an unprecedented
act of war.
The New York Times called POTUS by David Alexander "...perhaps the best thriller of its type to have come along all year!" USA Today applauded author David Alexander, declaring that "Among the possible three finest thriller authors today, Alexander easily takes first place." POTUS is proof of Author David Alexander's uncanny ability to create riveting fiction that reads like a headline New York Times story.
"It's as if Alexander has a crystal ball and uses it to sneak a peak at world-changing events before they happen, then write it as fiction." In his award-winning novel, POTUS, where war again threatens America and sparks military retaliation, David Alexander proves his spectacular abilities once again. Here, US forces meet the new challenges posed by a hybrid terrorist nation state with advanced technology and special warfare operations. Neither terrorists nor global criminals, this hybrid threat is planning a bold new series of strikes against high-priority military, civilian, government and commercial targets in the American homeland and around the world. Yet there are a number of twists this time around. Many of these targets are unconventional focal points of attack, while the methods of attack themselves are totally unexpected, as are their intended consequences.
POTUS is a new page-turner by this widely acclaimed thriller author. It's full of surprises ... it is also a warning of what might happen tomorrow if America grows careless again. David Alexander -- dubbed "the best damn action writer in the business" -- has a gift for extrapolating tomorrow's history from today's events. Author David Alexander has demonstrated yet again that his genius for writing thrillers is getting better with every book he writes!
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